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The essential role and involvement of parents in their children's education continues to be a fundamental element of the Reggio approach (Hewett, 2001).

Reggio Emilia

Hundred Languages Learning Approach-
the idea that children use hundred languages to express how they form meaning and interpretations of the world.

The DNA of the Reggio Emilia Approach

  • The image of the child, is at the heart of the approach. Child is understood to possess capacity to question and build their own theories.

  • Children are given freedom to generate and test their questions about their learning interests through the process of forming a hypothesis, testing it, and making conclusions. 

  • Children engage in debate, and discussions are welcomed to engage children’s critical thinking.

  • Children present their findings through different means of expression: speech, writing, art, music, mathematics, as well as technology.

  • Children document their findings and are provided with hands on opportunities to test their questions. 

  • The photo to the right showcases a "self-portrait".


Fundamentals of Reggio Emilia
Learning Approach

Teacher as Observer/Researcher 

Teachers observe and keep a log of their observations of the children’s work and progress. The teachers use this log to analyze children’s thoughts and learning taking place. The documentation serves as a tool for the teachers to decided how to generate future learning as well as interest. The findings are revisited by the teacher alongside the child, further giving the child an opportunity to generate new questions and plan the next step in the project.

Home Gardening

Environment as the Third Teacher

The environment as a physical space serves the purpose of communal space where children gather, showcase findings and display their projects. The environment is inviting, and materials are almost all child made and produced. The arrangement of the room encourages collaboration and a sense of community. The child, teacher, and parents have a sense of ownership in the classroom and play a significant role as contributors to learning.

Art Fun

The Project Approach Learning

A big component of the Reggio Emilia approach is project-based learning. The projects stem from teacher’s discussions with children and their observations of children’s interests. The teachers collect the information from children and provide them with necessary materials to begin investigating their hypothesis. During the process the teachers engage in discussions with the children and guide them along. Children make connections by reflecting on past projects and building upon them. 

Gardening Lesson

Loris Malaguzzi (1920-1994)

Founder and Influencer

Malaguzzi was greatly motivated to help children and families who were affected by the destruction that took place during World War 2. He took great interest in the preschool initiative that was at the time built at the hand of the people. He was a pioneer in pushing forward the Reggio approach across the country and helped open the first school in 1963. He dedicated his entire life and education to progressing Early Childhood Education and implementation of the Reggio Emilia across the nation.

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Reggio Emilia, Italy

Located in Norther Italy

After the World War 2, parents were in a desperate need to reconstruct their communities and rebuild their education systems, particularly the Early Childhood Education. With the economic push for women to get back into the workforce and support of Loris Malaguzzi, the Reggio Emilia Approach was born.

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