Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom!
Supporting the development of multiple intelligences and individual strengths.
The Nature Explore and Seeds of Early Learning Academy have established a partnership in providing children and adults joyful and meaningful interactions with nature. This call to action is significant, because many children and adults no longer experience regular time in nature for variety of reasons.
What do we do in our Outdoor Classroom?
Nature Explore Classrooms Support
Whole-Child Development Including:
Critical thinking and problem solving.
Curiosity, inquiry and early science exploration, self-expression, language and literacy.
Observing and organizing information for early math learning.
Visual-spatial processing skills and fine motor skills.
Construction and engineering skill development.
Enriched learning through multi-sensory experiences.
Deepened sense of wonder, inspiring lifelong learning.
Hands-on enjoyment and caretaking, inspiring tomorrow's generation of environmental stewards!